Usually blended in throughout the entire project, floodlights and spotlights are amongst the most popular products used in a wide range of exterior lighting applications. Even though they are usually on the smaller side and do not attract much attention towards themselves, their power actually comes from within. They excel at highlighting and bringing attention to the desired space or object for both interior and exterior areas, even theatrical applications. In the exterior, they are essential elements when it comes to highlighting statues, building facades, unique architectural details as well as livening up trees and other plants at night. Being light and nimble as well as flexible, they are fun to work with when it comes to implementing them within the design and adding on-site design touches. They can even be reoriented and aimed as the living ecosystem within the landscape keeps growing throughout the years. In this section of our products, you can find floodlight families with highly advanced optical technologies, complementing products with well-defined beam angles minimizing scattered light, various light distributions to highlight important objects in your exterior space, small tree uplights to lighten up landscaped and residential areas, robust floodlights to enlighten building facades and spotlights to graze narrow columns and so on… As always, bringing HEPER’s engineering capabilities along with material and finish quality to your project.