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Formalighting Sistema Moto-Multi Gimbalo

Motorized pendant mounted system luminaire.
The three independent light heads and the luminaire trim are made of cast aluminium.
Sistema Moto-Multi Gimbalo Pendant have a length of 1000mm and a width of 249mm.
The luminaire is Supplied with ceiling canopy, a pre-installed 1.5m electrical cable and 4x1.5m pendant steel wires.
Two remote controlled DC motors drive the movements of the fixture, which is Tiltable vertically 0-40° in all directions on a dual axis gimbals.
The movements of the fixture, as well as the intensity and the colour tuning of the light, are remote controlled via CASAMBI™ application.

LED Sources
COB LED, High Power LED.
CRI: 90 | CCT: 3000K, 4000K.
Other CRI and CCT options, Tuneable White and
DimToWarm versions available on request

Beam Angle: Narrow / Medium / Wide.

Supplied with integrated dimmable driver.
Motion Control: Casambi.
Dimming Options: Casambi, 0-10V, DALI.

Linear spread, honeycomb louvre, anti-glare hood.

A elegant and neat design for excellent visual comfort.
Ideal for maintaining a minimalist and clean ceiling aesthetic.
Applications areas: retail, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, lobbies, car showrooms.

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